FinTech founders, take note:

7 steps to scale your startup!

Follow this tested and proven FREE Compliance GUIDE to learn where to take sensible risks and delay committing resources!

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  • Mistakes to avoid when naming the company to fast-track your company registration.
  • What to say to investors about compliance costs.
  • Why you should never send your investor deck to the bank and how to fast-track opening bank accounts.
  • When the CEO or founder should do nothing about compliance (because it is either too early or because there are no adverse consequences).
  • How to know it's finally time to invest in compliance and meet regulators (it's later than you think)?
  • Why creating new legal entities is a mistake in 95% of cases and what is really important when choosing the country
  • Hiring: When to delegate compliance decisions and when to take full control?

Where do inexperienced FinTech founders overspend, overthink, and risk running out of funding?

  • They overestimate the importance of regulatory knowledge (because they want to do the right things and follow the law), but they underestimate common sense. With hindsight, they would have acted sooner, if they knew that consequences were immaterial.
  • They are great communicators but terrible diplomates and often misinterpret feedback from partners, auditors, and regulators. It leads to overcommitting resources too soon.
  • They believe that committing more people and more resources will help the project grow faster. In most cases, more resources and people will slow the project down. Most projects in FInTech take longer than expected, which is why it is essential to learn how to make your budget last longer.

This GUIDE will help you easily avoid all of these mistakes!

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